
Model:crowds v.1 (DTMC)
Parameter(s)TotalRuns = 6, CrowdSize = 20
Property:positive (prob-reach)
Invocation (default)
~/storm/build/bin/storm --prism crowds.prism --prop crowds.props positive --constants TotalRuns=6,CrowdSize=20 --exact  --engine portfolio --ddlib sylvan --sylvan:maxmem 6114 --sylvan:threads 4
Return code:0
Relative Error:0.0
Storm 1.5.1

Date: Tue Mar 17 11:47:20 2020
Command line arguments: --prism crowds.prism --prop crowds.props positive --constants 'TotalRuns=6,CrowdSize=20' --exact --engine portfolio --ddlib sylvan '--sylvan:maxmem' 6114 '--sylvan:threads' 4
Current working directory: /

Time for model input parsing: 0.009s.

 WARN (InformationCollector.cpp:17): Truncating the domain size as it does not fit in an unsigned 64 bit number.
Portfolio engine picked the following settings: 
	engine=dd-to-sparse	 bisimulation=true	 exact=true
 WARN (DdPrismModelBuilder.cpp:667): The guard 'false' is unsatisfiable.
 WARN (DdPrismModelBuilder.cpp:667): The guard 'false' is unsatisfiable.
 WARN (DdPrismModelBuilder.cpp:667): The guard 'false' is unsatisfiable.
 WARN (DdPrismModelBuilder.cpp:667): The guard 'false' is unsatisfiable.
 WARN (DdPrismModelBuilder.cpp:667): The guard 'false' is unsatisfiable.
 WARN (DdPrismModelBuilder.cpp:810): Guard of a command overlaps with previous guards.
 WARN (DdPrismModelBuilder.cpp:810): Guard of a command overlaps with previous guards.
 WARN (DdPrismModelBuilder.cpp:810): Guard of a command overlaps with previous guards.
 WARN (DdPrismModelBuilder.cpp:810): Guard of a command overlaps with previous guards.
 WARN (DdPrismModelBuilder.cpp:810): Guard of a command overlaps with previous guards.
 WARN (DdPrismModelBuilder.cpp:810): Guard of a command overlaps with previous guards.
 WARN (DdPrismModelBuilder.cpp:810): Guard of a command overlaps with previous guards.
 WARN (DdPrismModelBuilder.cpp:810): Guard of a command overlaps with previous guards.
 WARN (DdPrismModelBuilder.cpp:810): Guard of a command overlaps with previous guards.
 WARN (DdPrismModelBuilder.cpp:810): Guard of a command overlaps with previous guards.
 WARN (DdPrismModelBuilder.cpp:810): Guard of a command overlaps with previous guards.
 WARN (DdPrismModelBuilder.cpp:810): Guard of a command overlaps with previous guards.
 WARN (DdPrismModelBuilder.cpp:810): Guard of a command overlaps with previous guards.
 WARN (DdPrismModelBuilder.cpp:810): Guard of a command overlaps with previous guards.
 WARN (DdPrismModelBuilder.cpp:810): Guard of a command overlaps with previous guards.
 WARN (DdPrismModelBuilder.cpp:810): Guard of a command overlaps with previous guards.
 WARN (DdPrismModelBuilder.cpp:810): Guard of a command overlaps with previous guards.
 WARN (DdPrismModelBuilder.cpp:810): Guard of a command overlaps with previous guards.
 WARN (DdPrismModelBuilder.cpp:810): Guard of a command overlaps with previous guards.
 WARN (DdPrismModelBuilder.cpp:810): Guard of a command overlaps with previous guards.
 WARN (DdPrismModelBuilder.cpp:810): Guard of a command overlaps with previous guards.
 WARN (DdPrismModelBuilder.cpp:810): Guard of a command overlaps with previous guards.
 WARN (DdPrismModelBuilder.cpp:810): Guard of a command overlaps with previous guards.
 WARN (DdPrismModelBuilder.cpp:810): Guard of a command overlaps with previous guards.
 WARN (DdPrismModelBuilder.cpp:810): Guard of a command overlaps with previous guards.
 WARN (DdPrismModelBuilder.cpp:810): Guard of a command overlaps with previous guards.
 WARN (DdPrismModelBuilder.cpp:810): Guard of a command overlaps with previous guards.
Time for model construction: 1.326s.

Model type: 	DTMC (symbolic)
States: 	10291282 (5401 nodes)
Transitions: 	37068802 (28651 nodes)
Reward Models:  none
Variables: 	rows: 32 meta variables (78 DD variables), columns: 32 meta variables (78 DD variables)
Labels: 	2
   * deadlock -> 219604 state(s) (403 nodes)
   * init -> 1 state(s) (79 nodes)

Time for model preprocessing: 1.486s.

Model type: 	DTMC (sparse)
States: 	101
Transitions: 	151
Reward Models:  none
State Labels: 	3 labels
   * (observe0 > 1) -> 1 item(s)
   * init -> 1 item(s)
   * deadlock -> 1 item(s)
Choice Labels: 	none

Model checking property "positive": P=? [F (observe0 > 1)] ...
Result (for initial states): 2424588943513688408580233534610158569961/20125016430285324800000000000000000000000 (approx. 0.1204763709)
Time for model checking: 0.006s.